Love You Mom print. (its an instant download if you dont have a gift yet 😉 Also, I love Mom AND that credenza.
Have you guys seen this video “Slow Down” ? I had so many crocodile tears. My oldest is starting Kindergarten this year and it is exactly how I feel.
If you need to recover from the beautiful sadness of that song, check out the latest carpool with James Corden. Its a great one. Although J Lo texting Leo is still my fav or maybe Adele.
I loved Ave Styles piece on Moms- You can do anything, but not everything. When I had postpartum depression, I wrote this quote on chalkboard and it stayed up for a year. I should get that back up again…
This guy did his whole portfolio on Instagram. Its pretty flipping sweet.
Brie stuffed artichokes. Holy moly.
You put the lime in the coconut. Or makeup brush, whatever.
Happy Mother’s Day! I normally take the weekend off, but I have a couple deadlines- “woe is me, boo hoo” I’ll get over it. Anyhow it is work, work, work, but I am hoping to steal a break for crab legs and some wine and quiet time, maybe Monday? I would never miss taking my Mom out though- Sat AM- she is mine! (Thank You Mom for understanding and hanging out a lot earlier than you intended and being my biggest fan)
A Bubbly Life this week- How to Make A Rosa Picante Margarita & DIY Mother’s Day Wine Labels
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