
DIY No Sew Star Pillows Nursery

I love star pillows and I never took the money plunge to buy some. Since I cannot sew, I thought it was a lost cause and would just purchase one eventually- but I wanted like TEN.  And ten star pillows are expensive.

Why do I want ten? Well, I imagine my girls playing in forts and throwing them at each other as they pretend they are pirate ships fighting…. My siblings and I did that growing up and it was just SO much fun.  Cabbage Patch Kids were the scariest ones to throw… if that hard head hit you, you were O-U-T out.

So, I devised a no sew solution! No sewing is my favorite.

How To Make No Sew Star Pillows!!

Fabric in desired colors & material
Star Template (You can freehand one (but I am terrible at drawing) I used a paper mache star box top I owned for another diy that I never did… I need to get to work on that one…)  
Fabric Scissors
Fabric Glue
Pillow Stuffing (not pictured, it did not fit on my material board ;))

Trace your template onto fabric.

Cut out your stars! I was able to cut through 6 sheets of fabric at a time, for three pillows each cut.

Take two sheets of the star and glue all but one side together.  Let dry OVERNIGHT.

It bonds much better if you leave for several hours, it is important to have a strong bond because the next day you- Stuff your pillow!  (if the glue bond is weak, you can break holes in pillow and have to re-glue (Yes, I did learn from experience).

Glue the opening together and close shut with clothespins.  Let dry!

I am a terrible “cutter”; like handwriting, my talents are that of an 8 year old.  So, I am not just saying this because I cannot cut and have some kind of amazing positive spin on things- But I LOVE the haphazard look of some of the stars and the fact that each one is a bit different!

OR maybe they do look quite terrible all haphazard and whatnot and I do put a positive spin on everything, but I love my happy little life and my star pillows!  Plus, they cost me less than $10 and I have a lot of fabric and stuffing leftover to make more!!

Kalia now understands Mommy works and wants to be a part of everything because it looks fun, she insisted on being in some of the pillow pictures:

Hope you enjoy!!

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