Reminder- Win $250 to Pottery Barn Teen!!
Coffee. In an inspiring mug. The juice that keeps us going. With the business of the holidays, I may be enjoying a mid-afternoon cup of java these days.
Lean In. Seems like most bloggers are huge fans of #Girlboss. I read it, I get it, it was good, but not great. And I hate the term GirlBoss. I keep meaning to write a post about it, but basically, I do not like gender assigned terms- I prefer Boss or Boss Babe which can be used to describe anyone, my husband loves it when I call him babe. (Yes, I am a super pink, sparkly, disco ball loving feminist)
Lean In is awesome, Sheryl Sandberg makes me want to go back into business world and make changes so my little girls can grow up in non bullshit business scenarios where they are never called girl boss, but THE boss.
Love the book. Love her. Best read.
Anddddd, that was a rant in a gift guide- Merry Christmas!
Visionary Journal. Monique’s Journal will keep you reaching for the stars when you want to let it all go (or nap)
Get Shit Done. Keep it simple.
Rachel from The Crafted Life started an e-course so you can learn everything about photo styling. Take your business venture to the next level with gorgeous photos you take yourself (way cheaper than hiring a photographer!)
A Bubbly Life is on BlogLovin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram– I would love for you to join me there!