
Free Gratitude Printable

free gratitude printable

Ive mentioned before that I keep a gratitude journal (it is one of the ways I cope with depression) We also practice it at home together as a family- we each say 3 awesome things about our day at dinnertime. We have been doing this for about 3 years and I truly believe has made us all more grateful and appreciative. Colette sometimes says she has 46 awesome things about her day and she means it, haha. Thanksgiving is the holiday we all celebrate with a focus on thanks and gratitude. I made a free printable to include at your Thanksgiving dinner and share the people, things, events you are grateful for with everyone at your table.

Pick up printable here

free gratitude printable

And speaking of gratitude, the devastation & loss in CA is so heartbreaking and it may seem hard to think about the holidays and gratefulness but sometimes thru tragedy, humanity and many blessings can be seen. When I was 13 years old, my house burned down. All I had left were the clothes I was wearing (my catholic school uniform- yeayyy ) & my “blankie” survived. When the firefighters came in they shattered all the windows & my bed was by a window, the blankie was under all the broken glass- miraculously, not burned. I still have that blanket. Losing all those possessions at 13 taught me so many things. I saw beautiful humans everywhere. The restaurant that paid for our meal the night it burned down. The store that donated a bed for us to sleep on. The family that took us in- we were a family of 5 with 2 dogs- until we found an apartment, the bags of clothes collected by friends, our church that provided us with a Thanksgiving meal donated by the congregation (our house burned down on nov 10th, my parents actually had to donate the donation of food as we went to my grandparents for the holiday).

Anyhow, through that loss, a community rised up to show us kindness, love and affection. I hope that is what people in CA can feel and receive. Because now 20 some odd years later, that is what I remember about the fire. The love and kindness our family received. The possessions were nothing (not all, my mother, rightfully so, forever missed our home videos, photos and letters) . But, we had our whole family, our dogs, my blankie, a catholic school uniform and an immense pouring of love from our neighborhood. Refinery 29 has a comprehensive list of places to donate and share your love, concern and kindness to those who really need it right now. xoxo

free gratitude printable

free gratitude printable

free gratitude printable

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  1. Susan Jeal says:


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