
Getting To Know Me!

A Bubbly Life was much more personal when I started. I shied away from the personal for awhile, so I decided to dip my foot in again and give 10 random life facts about me!

1) I met my husband when I was 17.  Nearly 16 years later, he still makes my heart flutter by walking in a room.  He also makes me want to strangle him at times.  That is what 16 years of love does. (stop doing the math to get my age 😉

2) For every DIY posted on A Bubbly Life there most likely were  2-3 DIY fails I had beforehand.

3) I was in labor for THIRTY SIX HOURS.  Labor is no freaking joke.

4) A teacup broke on me and I received 2nd degree burns completely covering both my thighs.  My neighbors heard me scream, helped me (8 came over- it was Hawaii, people are nice there) and getting into the ambulance, my pants fell down and I mooned all of them. One of the worst and funniest moments of my life.

5) I both loved and hated being an Army wife.  I miss being one more than I ever thought I would.

6) I ADORE my Grandmom.  I lost her nearly 4 years ago. My daughter’s middle name is hers.  I miss her all the time and I have random moments in any given day that I am filled with a poignant sadness because I live in a world she is no longer a part of.

7)  I am Christian and pray I can be better at being so.

8) I have watched Days of our Lives since I was about 8 years old.

9) Most of the time,  I think I am a darn good Mom.  It seems like that is taboo to say for some reason.  I definitely screw up, think I am a terrible Mom at times… but mostly, I am a wonderful Mom to the best girl anyone could ask for.

10) I ended a lot of these “getting to know me” in prepositions.  I am a grammar nerd and it is really annoying me that I did that, but I decided to just go with it!

xoxo, Laurel

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