Foodie- Happy Birthday Julia! (it was yesterday, but it still counts) I, like most wannabee chefs, adore Julia Child and I especially love her famous quotes. What a fab, wonderful woman!! Image
Fab– Damask Love teaches you how to make notebooks! I have a ton of notebooks, I hoard them & fill them with ideas, maybe I should make some of my own?
Fashion– Free People reinvented some bobby pins– I love the arrow look, would you do it?
Fun– Awesome DIY confetti poppers!
Follow- Wills Casa– I met the adorable DIY duo at Alt SF & l-o-v-e their blog. I plan on using their dresser tutorial for my nursery!
A Bubbly Life this week– Scotch Duct Tape Frames DIY & Pink Ombre Cork Board DIY
ABL elsewhere-
BuzzFeed’s Awesome DIYS to Make Before School Starts & My DIY
A Bubbly Life is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram– I would love for you to join me there!
Have a fab weekend! xoxo, Laurel