I said a hip hop, Hippie to the hippie, The hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it out… Yep stuck in my head and maybe passing it onto you will get it out of there! 😉
Happy Easter weekend!! We get up at sunrise- because the kids treat it like Christmas and want to do the egg hunt early… zzzzz… We go to church after that and we are hosting dinner at our house. I am not cooking because of a certain cute little newborn that occupies my time, but I want to make the table look pretty if I have the energy- wish me luck and follow on instagram stories, I *usually* will give off the cuff tips when I show my behind the scenes set ups! Or you may just see me lying down with a glass of rosé and stuffing my face, either way I am sure it will be enjoyable.
Linen sheets? What are your thoughts? I heard they are very cool at night and high temps are coming to Arizona… I think I am making the purchase plunge and picking up these in blush
photo inspiration for Cole & new sheets!Â
I love summer rolls, these shrimp & mango ones sound delicious.
How to build a perfect cheese board. great advice. And, I think Im hungry…
Have you seen the new Target line coming?? It’s all boho like and kind of Anthropologie knock off but not Anthro prices… I want every pillow!
A Bubbly Life this week- Cole’s Birth Story!!