Happy 2019!!! I am very much looking forward to 2019. But first, a look back at 2018.
We welcomed our 3rd child on Feb 2nd 2018. His birth story is here if you want to read about the day he arrived. He is pure joy. He is the happiest baby I’ve ever seen and he completes our family. I post him on instagram stories kind of a lot… haha, but I love hearing from you guys who watch him and comment how much you love him (who wouldn’t love to hear that!?) Cole has fans all over the world!! I know I am bragging, but I cant help when it comes to that cutie pie. Also, I love ALL our kids, just the girls are older and I respect their privacy and we are concerned for their safety, so I do not get to share them as much as I would like.
Mental Health
I will get this out of the way immediately since my depression is so depressing. I discuss it here and there on stories and hope that some of my coping skills can help any of you suffering from depression. I am looking forward to adding medication to my treatment this year. I battled thru bad episodes since Cole’s birth and the last two months have not been great, but I was so close to being done with nursing I held off the medication. I am weaning Cole this month and the good news is, I am very ready to start the medication. I was always a bit reluctant but now I am sort of desperate for the additional help. I try to remain honest and open about my struggles but there are some stories too personal and also not all mine to share. I remain steadfast in trying to grow from the experiences and treat others with kindness and love, because so many are fighting a battle we do not know. I’m so thankful for therapy, our beautiful children and Nick’s love and dedication.
Nick & I purchased a second home two hours north of Scottsdale. Flagstaff, unlike Scottsdale, has SEASONS. We spent a ton of time there in the Summer to escape the 120 heat and we just visited snow over New Year’s! We cannot wait to take the girls skiing for the first time. I spent the Summer furnishing and designing the cabin, while Nick made it a wifi smart home- it was so much fun to do. The first room reveal will be up this month! We originally intended on using it as an investment property and Airbnb, however we spend so much time there, I am wary of a bunch of strangers staying there, so we are not sure what we will do yet in that regard.
San Francisco
Besides Flagstaff, we did take a trip to San Francisco. It was very brief, but a successful first trip as a family of 5.
I attended a conference at the Pinterest headquarters and since my sister lives in San Francisco we decided to make a long trip out of it!
A Bubbly Life
It was definitely a year of light posting, with the new baby and new house to work on. I was lucky enough to work consistently during my down time and went back to work full time mid September. I had some great opportunities with 7UP, Bounty and Universal Pictures.
For my freelance styling work that is not on A Bubbly Life, some of my favorites were Mrs Meyers and Natalie’s OJ.
So, what’s in store for 2019??
I am not sure what changes will be made around here this year, I really want to focus and review my goals professionally, but it still may take a back seat for another year as I choose to stay home with Cole. I would love to expand my styling work, it is much more conducive to staying at home with Cole than the daily grind of the blog. But, I also intend on getting childcare for him at home 1-2 days a week, so that would open up more time. I also am working on a side project that has nothing to do with A Bubbly Life and when that gets off ground, I will share it.
On the personal side, I am looking forward to the anti-depressant medication and hope it helps with the suck of joy depression brings.
Our vow renewal should finally happen in 2019!! Originally, we talked about doing one in 2017 and then I had a surprise pregnancy and then 2018 brought the cute baby and so 2019 sounds like the year!
Thank you for following along every year, you guys are the best!!
Wow, buying a second house is an amazing achievement! As a 22 year old who currently lives in a tiny unit and doesn’t even have all the furniture most people have, actually owning a house seems like an impossibility, but I will never stop trying to achieve that dream! After all, anything is possible if you work hard enough ☺️🙌