
February- Month in Review

My highlight reel with the REALITY mixed in- the good, the bad, the ugly of February! Pictures are mostly off my iphone and not necessarily perfect but not all telling, cuz no one wants to see a pic of the stomach flu…

baby reaching for cake

Feb 2nd- Cole turned one and broke my heart as he is our last baby and is looking more like a little boy everyday and not my little baby. Pictures here (none of me crying)

emu baby chick in grass

Feb 8th- Our emus began hatching!!! We had 5 eggs, 4 hatched. We lost one soon after hatching and we are losing another one, he/she was born with a congenital defect and there is nothing we can do 🙁
So, we have two left- Candy and Cookie. Oreo and Sprinkles did not make it and Nick is incredibly sad.

I started my anti-depressants because Cole is weaned and I finally could take anti-depressants. I got very dizzy, faint & ill when we graduated to the therapeutic dose and had to go lower. Now I am on such a low dose that does absolutely nothing in hopes my body will adjust and I can take the bigger dose that may work for me. Ahhh, depression sucks.

Feb 20th- 14 years of marriage, but I got the stomach flu and Nick was up all night taking care of me and cleaning puke (true love) (Nick & I have TWO anniversary dates, you may be confused cuz u heard it earlier in year, but I’ve always considered Feb 20th our date, but we were married 5 months earlier in Sept) the pic above is when I was well, a wedding we went to in february

Cole & I are finally back at gym. The gym required appointments with babies which was impossible for me to make work so I worked out at home for this year but I really missed the escape of gym.

We did 5 days in a row- and he cried everyday 🙁 but he did better every single day. And then I got stomach flu and kids did, so we took a break and now we are starting ALL over. So, he is bawling again. 🙁 I feel terrible, but he is home with me all day and not used to other people so I tell myself it is a good thing he gets used to it and I know for my health it is a good thing I go to gym. Hope it is better this month. Advice appreciated!!!

I am trying to break the highlight reveal of life seen on instagram, I hope you follow on stories and see my real life. It is sometimes fun, wine, and sometimes complaining, it isnt perfect, its reality- filled w joy, love, stomach flu and emus. maybe not emus for everyone else, but that is life with Nick. and i wouldnt trade it for anything.


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