
Rhyming Scavenger Hunt Number Two

Rhyming Scavenger Hunt 2

I created another kid rhyming scavenger hunt to keep the kiddos occupied during quarantine.  My last kid scavenger hunt that I posted on A Bubbly Life, I gave to my kids and it took them 32 minutes.  Do you know what 32 minutes of peace looks like during quarantine??  Bliss. That is what it is. I was so grateful I made a “neutral” kid scavenger hunt for the blog.  Since it was neutral, the scavenger hunt clue answer would be “door”- so they had to look at EVERY door, and maybe I hid those clues high and very far from the former scavenger hunt clue.  I am still a good parent, lol- the kids had SO much fun and I got to relax for a bit.  Anyhow, I enjoyed coffee, some pinning and I want to give this gift to you with another neutral scavenger hunt with clues that could be used in most any house or apartment.

Link to Scavenger Hunt Clues to Print

Check out the first kid rhyming scavenger hunt here!

( to make your own with things specific to your house, this website is great to help with rhymes:  not everyone has a rose quartz (pink rock, as I called it in the rhyme) at their house, so this rhyme website can help you come up with unique ones to yours!)

Also, this is my favorite clue, lol-  My rhymes are dope, lets find the soap.

Hope you get a break while the kids are having fun!

scavenger hunt clues for kids

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