Post sponsored by Workman Publishing
I was very excited to get Flow magazine’s latest book publication- Creativity Takes Courage. I really wanted to take on the challenges in the book and get my creative juices flowing again. Cole was born in February and is 6 months old and I have been in baby no sleep land and my creativity was/is not being utilized. The book has so many lovely ideas, dares and challenges. I had to eliminate some as my chosen dare because *ahem*Cole*ahem*, for example, one of the challenges is to get more Sleep and I WOULD LOVE TO DO THAT. If you do not have a baby, do that. Please. Do it for me, so I can live vicariously thru you. After reading thru everything, I chose one easy challenge and one hard challenge.
First, the easy dare- Go offline. Honestly, I have been practicing this since Cole’s birth and am now much more intentional when I am online. It is very hard to do so as my livelihood depends on the blog and social media, but I am much happier without the pressure. I share what I feel like, which is often Cole, and I have not received back lash. In fact, all I receive is positive feedback on sharing that cutie pie in my life. So, I know that is a long way of saying I have cut down time online, but really my plan is to continue to be offline on a weekend day and write some darn postcards to friends so they have something real from me!
And my second dare, which will be difficult. Make A Commitment. I will start a 100 day photo challenge (eek!!)
Some of you may be aware, I have a small instagram account that is just about palm trees.
I love it! It is JUST a creative outlet. No branding, do not need specific colors, do not care about followers or likes, I simply like taking pictures of palm trees. (is that weird, lol?) In an unexpected turn, the account has been fun for our little family. Nick and the girls have dragged me outside for a pretty sunset, a crooked palm tree or some other beautiful moment they ask me to capture. Nick & I have discussed making a coffee table book of the palm tree photos. I truly enjoy it and as my creativity has become my job, it feels nice to have the account of no pressure.
But, I will go weeksssss without posting. Even though I have tons of photos. So, thanks to Creativity Takes Courage, I am going to go for it. 100 days, 100 palm trees. If you wish to follow along, come join me here.
I encourage you to go outside the box and take up these fun dares- I vote for sleep… but there are SO many wonderful ideas- dare to be bored, dare to be quiet, dare to fail, dare to start, dare to be mindful… Let me know what you pick! I am keeping the book, so that I can go back and refer to it and take on new dares over the years!
Pick up Creativity Takes Courage and take the plunge and fulfill some dares!
Check out more of Flow magazines beautiful books- my reviews on Creative Mindfulness and Everything Grows With Love
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