If you have not noticed, I have been going overboard with the Halloween posts this year! We cannot trick or treat this year and I am making Halloween the most extra ever. I typically only decorate the house for Halloween with a couple pumpkins and our house is now decked out all Halloween. The kids are loving it and I think will enjoy the party so much they will forget about trick or treat.
I created a Hocus Pocus printable poster for our “Witch’s Room” and some decals for our mirror on bathroom (could go anywhere obviously!)
Download free Hocus Pocus Printable here!
Open Cricut Design Space to create decals or you can download EEK! here
All Halloween Printable Links:
“Witch’s Spell” Kid Science Experiment Halloween Free Printable
Halloween Free Printable Pin the Spider On The Web
Halloween Candy Scavenger Hunt
And a roundup of Printable Minimalist Halloween Art Prints For Less Than $10